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Argument essay怎么写 Argument essay的创作关键在哪?

本来昨天就该给你们整理这些了,结果,一有损友约饭局,我就脚底抹油了!天下武功奇多,唯 吃功不可破~分分钟慢慢诱惑!
1.Set the context by addressing the topic in a general mannerIncludebackground information with a short analysis and development of the debate背景,发展现状
2.Review the topic and explain why it is importantAnswerthis: Why should the reader care about the issue?提一提Essay话题的必要性,这叫蜻蜓点水
3.Definition 定义你所要辩论的主题以限定范围,这是有石可攻
4.Present a concise thesis statement(包括有关topic的观点和自己的立场)BodyParagraph:Bodyparagraph是陈述理由和支持的黄金地段
2.Connect the body of each paragraph to your thesis statementProvidemultiple, detailed examples per paragraph that explain why the evidencesupports the thesis从正面论证自己的观点
3.Discuss opposing viewpoints of each paragraph’s main ideaExplainhow the opposing arguments do not align with your thesis(rather than justdismissing them outright)
数据和引言 Usestatistical evidence&Incorporate empirical research through surveys andinterviews
四种数据类型:1.raw numbers(117 million visitors to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame,)
2.averages(women’s bowling teams drink on average two pitchers less then men’s’)
3.statistical probabilities(‘crossing North Main during rush hour increases yourchances of death 20%’),
4.statistical trends(‘applications have risen 40%over the past three years’). ArgumentEssay写作权威性两种引言类型:
1.First-hand testimony can help give the audience a sense of being there.
2.Experts backed by more formal knowledge, methods, and trainingConclusion:
Summaryof essay argumentRestatementof the significance of the topic(Optional)Giveopinions, provide issues to improve situation
其实写Argument essay写作最需要的是发散思维,倘若你的脑壳够大,思维够迅猛发散、那就尽可能的多角度地选取论点,使得自己有话可说。话痨可是个很潇洒的职业!
万一字数不够时呢?不怕不怕,引用切题的reference 往往是如鱼得水,奇效甚佳!如果你需要代写Argument essay不要忘记我们澳洲作业帮!